Mobile Advertising and Big Opportunities


Mobile is booming.

I was on a webinar a couple weeks ago with eMarketer and learned a lot about just how big it is. Over half of our digital media time spent is on our phones, totaling 2 hours and 51 minutes or 23% of total media time spread across all forms of media. This is a staggering number that is only expected to grow. As we dig into our own numbers at Pinnion, we see this trend confirmed with anywhere from 50-80% of polls, quizzes, and surveys being taken on mobile. The more staggering number is that completion rates nearly double when people view them on their mobile devices.

Ok, enough numbers, so what? There are two questions that advertising teams are dealing with.


How do we build better digital relationships?

Engagement tells the story. With increased engagement you have increased value. This is true of both large and small publications. For example, if I have 1,000 people on LinkedIn that I am out of touch with, there isn’t much value. However, if I have 100 that I can pick up the phone and call, there is real value in my network. This is the constant struggle of publications as they balance growing both their audience both in quantity and quality.


How do we make more of less?

A lot of real-estate is lost on mobile. Most digital advertising is currently removed on mobile and banner advertisements don’t translate well onto smaller screens so they are stripped out. This has created two big opportunities: video and native advertising sponsorships. Videos are very helpful but also very invasive as they take up the whole screen. This limits the number of times they can be presented to the user before they disengage. Videos must be coupled with sponsorships and other integrated content in order for them to remain effective. Quizzes present opportunities for this integrated content and keep users engaged for nearly 2 minutes while providing opportunities to reach new users with social sharing.

New opportunities for mobile advertising will continue to arise but strategic content mixes will remain vital for success.


Darin Ault is the Director of Business Development for Pinnion a digital audience engagement company in Seattle, Washington.

New Polling and Quiz Templates

PollingQuizTemplatesWe’ve made it easier than ever to get started creating great looking polls and quizzes. With every new account, you get pre-designed templates for both polls and quizzes.

And we’re just getting started.

Look for new templates every week for every kind of poll, quiz and survey you can imagine.

In January, we’re going to start rolling out new themes.

If you haven’t discovered Pinnion Themes yet, you’re in for a treat. You may already know that Pinnion is incredibly flexible forletting you make your polls, quizzes and surveys look exactly the way you want them to.

Something specific you’d like to see us make? Let us know.




Time Person of the Year Poll is 3 of the Top Ten Stories on Time

Of course we’re pretty pleased to be powering Time’s 2014 Person of the Year Poll.Time-Top-Ten-Stories-11-27-14

Turns out Time’s readers are liking it too.

As yet another example of how online readers are

a) interested in expressing their opinions and

b) interested in other people’s opinions.

Person of the Year-related stories are making up three of the top ten stories on right now.

Powering Time Person of the Year 2014

Time-POY-H2H-ImageWe’re honored to be powering Time Magazine’s Person of the Year 2014 poll. Pinnion is providing:

  • The “Face-Off” and “Yes/No” polls on’s site.
  • Voting using the #TimePOY hashtag on Twitter and Facebook
  • Facebook and Twitter sharing of both the poll itself and visitor’s individual voting choices on the site.
  • Facebook and Twitter authentication for voting.

This is a great showcase of just some of Pinnion’s capabilities:

  • Support branding and design that matches client needs perfectly. We believe that our software should be used to present our client’s brands, not ours.
  • Integration with Twitter and Facebook for both vote result sharing and voting.
  • A seamless experience from desktop to tablet to smart phone.
  • Real-time results aggregated from all voting sources.

Our thanks to the diligent team at Time with whom we worked to create this year’s poll. Sharon Denning, head of product at Time, had this to share about the partnership:

“Working with Pinnion has been great. From the editorial polls and quizzes we’re using on the Time, Fortune and Money sites to the 2014 Time Person of the Year Poll, we’ve been able to drive deeper engagement and attract additional social traffic.  The Pinnion team is very collaborative, innovative and offers world-class support and partnership.”

Do you want to know more about how Pinnion Editorial Services can help increase visitor engagement and traffic for your site? Contact us today.

Starting from Scratch After Testing Your Pinnion

Thought we’d share this tidbit we’ve been using with lots of our customers recently.

So, you’ve created a Pinnion and tested it with colleagues. How do you send the ‘production’ version out with a blank set of results?

Pretty simple. Duplicate it.

Use the “Duplicate” button at the bottom of the “Describe” screen when you’re authoring a Pinnion…


Hover over a Pinnion in the Pinnion list view and click the green button.

You’ll have a brand new copy of your Pinnion with an empty results set, ready for production.

You’re welcome, and have a great weekend.


Customer Satisfaction Surveys

I know that you may have already stopped reading. Customer satisfactio…yawn. I am with you. Here are a few quick suggestions for making a great customer satisfaction survey that people will actually complete: 

  • Tell them why you want their feedback.
    What specifically will their response impact? Tell me the real reason and I may reward your honesty with my time.
  • What’s in it for me?
    People don’t want to take a survey that doesn’t benefit them. If you attach an incentive you’ll get their attention. The incentive tells them how much you value their response.
  • Keep it short and sweet.
    I may answer one or two questions but if there is a progress bar, I’m out.
Final notes:
  • If it doesn’t look great, forget it.  Your survey experience must be as compelling as your incentive. Remember, the survey experience reflects your brand: Bad survey = Bad brand experience.
  • Would you take your survey? If not, your audience won’t either.

Speeding up survey response

A major cause of survey drop out is respondent fatigue. The survey just takes too long. Every extra action counts. — against you.

That’s why Pinnion gives you the opportunity to do away with the submit button. Two new options give your respondents the ability to tap once, or twice, on their answer to submit their response and move to the next question. you can take the survey embedded below which shows both options. The first set of questions allow you to tap to select, then tap again to confirm — and move you to the next question. The second set of questions features just a simple tap to select, submit and move to the next question. Your choice. Your respondent’s delight.

And think of all those extra completes you’ll get.

This survey also features the ability to see the order in which respondents choose from a list. After each choice, they’re presented with the remaining choices. It’s just that simple.

Teacher-friendly reporting now in Pinnion Quizzes

We’ve been seeing a lot of interest in Pinnion Quizzes. it’s been great to see the wide variety folks are creating all kinds of tests, from casual to seriously academic. We’re pleased as punch to be able help folks create and distribute tests that help them evaluate knowledge.

To make all that easier, we’ve just rolled out Pinnion Quiz Reporting. You get exactly the information you need about your Pinnion Quiz results, all in one tidy report.

Here’s the list:

  • Min/Max/Average and Median reporting
  • # of respondents in each decile range between 0% and 100% correct.
  • Summary results by question.
  • Results by respondent, including % correct



Adding Logic to Pinnion Surveys

Pinnion’s approach to survey authoring is unique: You shall write no code. Even for logic.

In the video below, Michael walks you through adding skip logic.

A Busy Summer at Pinnion = Better Surveys

Multi-language authoring

Add unlimited languages to each survey.

We’ve had a busy summer. With the addition of some great programming talent, Pinnion has added the following features, which are already helping our customers get more out of Pinnion, and more information faster from their market research efforts:

  • Answer and Question rotation
  • Answer Weighting
  • Weighting-Driven Logic
  • Multi-Language Authoring and Distribution, with “Translator Mode”
  • Email Notifications
  • CRM Integration
  • Results timeline (view results from specific periods in the response cycle)
  • Text Overlay on images answer type
  • Response Ranking
  • Touch to confirm, and advance on select for faster survey completion

Coming up in the next month are even more, including even richer formatting of your surveys to help you create exactly the look you want for every aspect of your surveys, and the underlying web page as well.